Morris E. Ruddick

Entrepreneur, consultant, minister and business owner, Morris Ruddick has led development of entrepreneurial activities in critical needy areas and brought together combined business–ministry initiatives in several nations, with a focus on assisting believers in lands of persecution and distress. Mr. Ruddick’s Kingdom agendas reflect a unique merging of the secular and the spiritual with initiatives based on biblical principles of business. Since 1995, he has been at the forefront of encouraging and mobilizing spiritually-minded business leaders to step out in faith by combining their entrepreneurial and spiritual gifts to build communities and impact their nations.

In the last few years Mr. Ruddick’s Kingdom agendas have spanned five continents with hands-on activities in Russia, Belarus, Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Botswana, Nigeria, China, Vietnam and Israel. His Kingdom business initiatives have included entrepreneurial startup programs, spiritual business leader training and community building strategies for lands of persecution and oppression. His programs are based on the Genesis 26 biblical model of sowing and then reaping in famine. He helped organize and launch, and continues serving as board member for the Joseph Project, an Israeli-based international consortium of organizations that assists Israeli immigrants and citizens with humanitarian aid.

Israel’s Technology Incubator Program is listed among the clients he has served. He is a former board member of another Israeli non-profit that has provided grants to members of Israel’s believing community facing economic distress.

He is the author of The Joseph-Daniel Calling; God’s Economy, Israel and the Nations; and The Heart of a King, as well as numerous articles on intercessory prayer, God’s marketplace agendas, opportunity in crisis, Kingdom entrepreneurs and the prophetic, and the dynamics of markets undergoing change.

Mr. Ruddick spent 19 years on the board of Marilyn Hickey Ministries and Orchard Road Christian Center, where he served as the Chairman of both the Compensation and Audit Committees. He is a member of the Messianic Jewish Alliance. He served as Corporate Secretary of the International Christian Chamber of Commerce-USA and is a board member of Love Botswana Outreach. He has been a national speaker and workshop leader for the National Religious Broadcasters, Generals International’s Out of the Box Marketplace Conference, the GCOWE Missions Conference, Os Hillman’s Marketplace Ministry Leader’s Summit, the Kingdom Economic Yearly Summit (KEYS); and as a part of the editorial advisory board of the Journal of Ministry Marketing and Management.

Over the years, he has served executive suite management with his planning and strategy development talents for a diversity of progressive mid-sized operations, ministry groups, and Fortune 500 companies. He has been at the helm of designing and implementing two successful corporate turnarounds, one being for a $1.4 billion firm. He holds ordination papers, a BS from Northwestern University; a year of biblical studies at a leading Christian university; as well as an MS in communications and doctoral work in advanced statistics.