© Morris E. Ruddick
The restoration of God’s economy and the wealth transfer will usher in changes that dramatically impact priorities, perspectives and approaches to advancing His Kingdom. Many of the now-familiar ministry models have been refined and reached satisfying comfort-levels. Yet, rather than having arrived, much work remains. Much of it incorporates new challenges.
God’s Kingdom is advancing. The scope of both the risk and the opportunity are demanding change. The shaking and resistance underway is to spur us on. For those who begin embracing the new paradigm, the shaking and resistance will be met with sovereign responses of the Holy Spirit and a fresh release of signs and wonders and miracles. In this process the Spirit of the Lord is preparing us for a timely and more strategic-level impact, as the paradigm shifts.
The accelerated pace of events and the ease and speed with which the world interacts today is demanding much more. Opportunity seized in the arena of the mass media since the fifties has been combined with inroads made by Kingdom pioneers through the medium of the Internet. The result has been a quantum leap impacting the means by which this generation of the Body is informed, connected and matured.
Catalysts for the Wealth Transfer. As the Body has been awakened, matured, informed and connected, there has been a convergence tied to a fresh, major move of redemption and restoration. The convergence will actuate the Deuteronomy 8 principle of the “power to get wealth that He might establish His covenant” as a transfer of wealth tied to the power shift emerges. This dynamic will serve as a catalyst for unfolding redemption and Kingdom restoration that will be unlike anything seen in recent times.
Two other key scriptures, together with Deuteronomy 8:18 form the broader perspective encompassing the transfer of wealth. The first is the Proverbs 13 principle that the “wealth of the wicked is stored up for the just.” The second is from Isaiah 60 and marks the expectation of what will unfold with the restoration of Israel.
We have entered an era in which numerous end-time conditions are being aligned. When they mature and converge, they will be significant catalysts to the release of enormous wealth and resources into the hands of those at the forefront of strategically advancing the Kingdom of God. These four dimensions include the restoration of God’s economy; a new outworking of Body-unity whereby community initiatives become Kingdom initiatives; strategic partnerships between spiritual, community and economic Kingdom entrepreneurs, and the restoration of Israel.
Restoration of God’s Economy. Because of the nature of these times the restoration of God’s economy will be as a light shining in the deepening darkness coming upon the earth. These are times described in scripture as times of earthquakes and famines; of wars and rumors of wars. They are described as evil days. The principles in Deuteronomy that govern entrepreneurial communities work in the face of adversity. The awakening and calling of Kingdom entrepreneurs will globally penetrate bastions of poverty and destruction with hope. The restoration of God’s economy will become foundational to the groundswell of “repossessing the land” that is tied to the release of the wealth transfer described in Proverbs 13.
Body Unity Whereby Community Initiatives Become Kingdom Initiatives. There are numerous models operating today, which parallel the days outlined in Genesis 26, when God told Isaac to sow in a land of famine. Isaac heard, he obeyed and he prospered. God’s economy operates against all odds. Each of God’s economic models is in some significant way tied to community. The Kingdom entrepreneurs of this day will not fit the superstar mold often seen in high profile corporate settings, but rather a servant-leader model. Joseph was a servant-leader whose strategies bypassed the destruction of the famine and strengthened his nation while accomplishing God’s redemptive purposes.
As the world views those who have been given the “power to get wealth” and those who sow in famine and reap a hundred-fold; they will see the tangible result of how God Almighty establishes His covenant among His people.
Strategic Partnerships Between Spiritual, Community and Economic Kingdom Entrepreneurs. As we enter a time when the clash of kingdoms is intensifying and the struggle over dominion begins reaching vicious levels, we will also see a convergence of the spiritual, community and economic Kingdom entrepreneurs. With this convergence will arise partnerships that will flow in the principle of “God giving us the power to get wealth that He might establish His covenant.”
These partnerships will build communities and change nations and advance and align the kingdom of God. In the process, there will be a monumental “Proverbs 13” power shift, that will result in an incredible release of resources into timely, strategic and effective kingdom initiatives: Kingdom initiatives that merge the functions served by spiritual, community and economic Kingdom entrepreneurs.
The Restoration of Israel. Restoration and redemption has always included the apple of God’s eye, Israel. The throne-room perspective to God giving us the power to get wealth that He might establish His covenant comes from Isaiah 60. It speaks of the restoration of Israel. It points to the truth that in the overall scheme of what the Lord is releasing for the days before us, that Israel and the Jewish people returning to the Lord is the pivot point.
“For the wealth of the seas will be brought to you and the riches of the nations will come. Your gates will stand open continually, so that men may bring to you the wealth of the nations. You are the Lord. You will do this swiftly and they will be called ministers of our God and they will feed on the wealth of nations.” (Isaiah 60:5,11)
The restoration of Israel, both the land and the people Israel is already in process. The nation of Israel has become the number-two center for venture capital projects in the world. Israel’s Technology Incubator program produces a high ratio of new business enterprises entering the world market.
Despite more than 50 years of war and the impact of an intifada designed to destroy Israel, the desert blooms in Israel and against all odds, it thrives. But the pressures against Israel have never been greater and they mark the steps toward the time Scripture points to as when “all Israel is saved.” As the spiritual “restoration of Israel” unfolds, the initiatives that merge the efforts of spiritual, community and economic Kingdom entrepreneurs will serve as catalysts for the macro-level releases of the wealth transfer. An Israel-directed wealth-transfer is described by these verses of Isaiah 60 as “the riches of the nations” and the “wealth of the nations.”
The Power Shift. There is an awesome alignment in process. It is an alignment that will release the greatest move of redemption and restoration the world has ever seen. Restoration and redemption tied to a massive power shift: the power shift of all ages. God’s sovereignty over His creation is being restored, His covenant confirmed and His covenant people becoming the head and not the tail. It is a shift that will incorporate new venues of resources and wealth that will be entrusted to the hands of prepared and chosen vessels like Joseph the Patriarch, who understand the times and will administrate them in the accomplishment of God’s purposes for this strategic hour.
This article is reprinted with permission from “God’s Economy, Israel and the Nations,” authored by Morris Ruddick. Mr. Ruddick is also the author of “The Joseph-Daniel Calling. Each of these books addresses the present move of God through the business community. They are available from Amazon.com, BarnesandNoble.com and other popular outlets.
2005 Copyright Morris Ruddick — blog@strategic-initiatives.org
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